Challenge #2 !

Challenge number 2! We had challenge number 2 and what a challenge it was! Okay, so for this challenge, Mrs. Thomas, our drama teacher, ordered 3 large pizza's. Each group got 1 box of pizza and had to make a scene involving the pizza! Group number 1 organized a family dinner where pizza was the main course. They ordered the pizza and the delivery man was an African man who was so funny! He came in with a full African outfit and accent! It was hilarious! He ended up bringing the wrong pizza and the family goes nuts! The African man gets so insulted and snaps back and it made for a bunch of laughter! Group number 2 did a scene where a bunch of girls get together and have a sleepover to discuss gossip in their everyday lives. One of the girls little brother is also at home the night they decided to have it. The girls are making alot of noise which prompts the brother to come out constantly! One of the times he comes out , he see's the good ol pizza! He sneaks around the girls and snags the pizza ! The girls come back for the pizza only to find its gone! Last scene was about a guy who is preparing for the girl he likes to come over. He wants to lose his virginity but is constantly interrupted by his little brother and his friend, the neighbor downstairs, and the pizza delivery man. Everyone is now in the room where he is trying to be alone with this girl and it gets to the point where he snaps and reveals his plan to everyone which winds him covered in pizza!  All the scenes were very well done but in the end there must be one winner! So without any more delay, the winner was challenge two was...... Quadrant 3! Congratulations to them! They did a great job! Challenge 3 is coming up so check back the blog for updates on that!